Massage Therapist

Trigger Point Massage, Deep Tissue, Sports Massage, Swedish Massage, Fascia Release, Cupping

Are you stuck in body pain? Let me help fix that.

I am here to focus on You

Is your body in pain? Shoulder pain? Back pain? Athlete getting ready for a marathon or power lifting event, and would like to keep your body in tip top shape? Have long term sports injuries? Trigger point, Deep Tissue, Sports massage, and Fascia Release via Barefoot modality and Fine Tuned by Hands, is very Efficient!

At times, tight muscles are connected to emotions, and as a coach and energy healer, I guide you thru the release of muscles and emotions.

Why Fix Pain Barefoot Trigger Point Massage, and Sports Massage Body Work:

I have spent multiple 4-hour long sessions straight, doing body work on people who needed fix pain work on their whole body.

For 5 years straight, I was blessed to get to learn from, and work with, the extraordinary late John Harris, massage therapist of Olympic athletes, author of “Fix Pain”, past massage school owner, and inventor of “BareFoot Massage” modality.

BareFoot Massage, is the modality I find ~ and my clients agree, most effective and beneficial for my clients to fix body and muscle pain. BareFoot massage uses the idea of Thai massage using feet to do body work, but for Trigger Point, Deep Tissue and Sports Massage to fix and heal body pains. I do not stand on you. I stand firmly on one foot and put pressure on my client’s body with the other foot, on specific areas of the muscle belly where there are Trigger Points causing pain. I press only as deep as the muscle needs it therapeutically. The larger surface area of my heel, melts the surface area of the muscle belly, rather than using pocky elbows to hurt it.

I then use hands to Fine Tune.

I can intuitively connect to your body and feel where the Trigger Points and tight muscles are. I also know the mapping of trigger points to eliminate them, rather than just doing deep tissue massage which is more general. I do both, Trigger Points for specific, and Deep Tissue for general muscle relaxing.

Trigger Points are tiny tight points in the muscle fibers which cause and refer pain in your body somewhere else from where the trigger points are located. Picture below details the location of trigger points (x) in relation to their pain referral pattern (red) in the gluteus minimus muscle.

Each customer’s unique needs are evaluated by me, and together we decide whether the massage mat or the massage table will best benefit the customer. Usually, we agree that the mat is the best choice, because most people have tight muscles that need to be worked out, and the table does not allow access to the muscle to release it as deeply and completely. I still use hands when I do work on the massage mat, and my customers feel very relaxed at the end of the massage.

However, once in a while the massage table is the best choice for the client and situation, or it is used at the end of a massage that started on the mat. I also do a great Swedish relaxing massage.

Cupping, an ancient Chinese medicine practice, is an optional add on, to further promote the release of muscle tension and trigger points.

Example of results: Customers have had back pain relief from back pain they have had for years, in one session and some after multiple sessions. Please see testimonials as well.

Much love,


CMT ~ California Massage Therapy Council Certified CMTC #62356

PS. Yup, that is my dirt bike sideways in the picture at the top, in the position I fell off of it, and my friend coming to help me. I’ve always been blessed to have someone help unstick me in in the dirt and in life! I want to do the same for you.

Body Healing & Harmony — I am here to empower you along your journey!

Start a new relationship with your body now.